Sunday, January 4, 2015

Magnificent Work In Progress

My official weigh in for 2015
and I'm starting the year out
weighing MORE than I did last year
343 is a big number
I will say that...
....I'm thankful that this is not my all time high
At least I can say I've seen worse... 
but it is still such a disappointment,
but I made mistakes, 
mistakes that have taught me invaluable lessons
and so I move on
but the journey seems almost impossible

I don't know how many people can relate
but when you're overweight
and especially as overweight as I am
and you're looking at your predicted destination
and you realize how far you have to go
it just seems like
the mountain is too high
the valley is too low
the river is too wide
the ocean is too deep....
okay, I think you get it!

What we forget to realize is that there is
the actual journey
I mean, the whole point of actually doing a road trip
is all the cool spots you get to hit along the way, right?
No one goes from California to New York
without stopping along the way 
There are so many cool things to see along the way
the journey with losing weight is the same
I'm not going to lose 50 lbs
and still be depressed
that I'm not yet in New York.... 

I'm a work in progress
a MAGNIFICENT work in progress
I get to learn so many things in the next year or two
there will be so many stops along the journey that I will get to enjoy
there will be new people I will met 
and I will wonder how I ever lived without them
there will be memories that will be made 
that will create so much joy in my life
there will be moments
that will mold and shape me
and I will become a different person
not because the number on the scale is different
but because of the journey!

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