Sunday, January 4, 2015

Magnificent Work In Progress

My official weigh in for 2015
and I'm starting the year out
weighing MORE than I did last year
343 is a big number
I will say that...
....I'm thankful that this is not my all time high
At least I can say I've seen worse... 
but it is still such a disappointment,
but I made mistakes, 
mistakes that have taught me invaluable lessons
and so I move on
but the journey seems almost impossible

I don't know how many people can relate
but when you're overweight
and especially as overweight as I am
and you're looking at your predicted destination
and you realize how far you have to go
it just seems like
the mountain is too high
the valley is too low
the river is too wide
the ocean is too deep....
okay, I think you get it!

What we forget to realize is that there is
the actual journey
I mean, the whole point of actually doing a road trip
is all the cool spots you get to hit along the way, right?
No one goes from California to New York
without stopping along the way 
There are so many cool things to see along the way
the journey with losing weight is the same
I'm not going to lose 50 lbs
and still be depressed
that I'm not yet in New York.... 

I'm a work in progress
a MAGNIFICENT work in progress
I get to learn so many things in the next year or two
there will be so many stops along the journey that I will get to enjoy
there will be new people I will met 
and I will wonder how I ever lived without them
there will be memories that will be made 
that will create so much joy in my life
there will be moments
that will mold and shape me
and I will become a different person
not because the number on the scale is different
but because of the journey!

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New Me

Well, here we are again...
the start of a new year! 
Can you believe its 2015?
Last year when I thought of this moment...
I thought it would turn out a little different. 
I thought I'd be starting this year at least 100 lbs down
half way through to my goal of losing 200 lbs
but instead I'm starting right back where I started
yet another year of ups and downs
I'm having mixed emotions about where I am

Let me introduce you to emotion #1
This is the girl that is mad
oh Ashley, how did you do this again?
How did you get here?
How many times can you seriously make the same mistakes?
Aren't you embarrassed?
Who am I kidding, of course you are embarrassed. 
Why do you even bother to blog about it
I have no idea why people even stay interested in you
its the same thing over and over again
Aren't you tired of working hard 
and then gaining it all back?
Aren't you sick of letting food win? 
Addiction - WINNING
Do you just like it?
The emotional roller coaster?
The drama of it all?
The pain?
Do you not know how to live without the pain?
Don't you know you deserve better?
Don't you know that there is something better out there?

Now, let me introduce you to emotion #2
This is the girl that is glad...
glad that I keep getting up and dusting myself off
glad that I'm trying for the 35,956 time
glad that the embarrassment doesn't hold me back
glad that failure isn't an option
and it only becomes an option when I quit 
and so if I keep getting up
I know I never fail
and I know I can do this
and even after I have given myself plenty of reasons
to doubt that success is ever possible
I still get up
I still keep fighting
That even though there are sometimes
when I really loathe my choices
that I still love myself enough to not give up

So here I am again. 
Laugh if you want. 
Cheer if you want. 
Cry if you want. 
I am doing all the above. 
I am back. 
This time will be different
I have to believe that
and I hope you do, too
I love that you stand by me
Even though you may have been disappointed in the past
you may at one point even forgot you were on this journey with me
thank you for being back here with me
thank you for sticking with me
thank you for loving me when sometimes I couldn't love myself

Friday, May 23, 2014

Weigh-In #8: May 23, 2014

This week was really great 
and really horrible all at the same time, 
but a good kind of horrible. 
I was on my elimination cleanse 
and my body really has never felt better 
which is evident in how much weight 
has been released from my body! 
But I was an emotional wreck 
without everything that comforts me. 
But I needed it because now 
I know how it feels to treat my body right 
and I want to keep that up!

Weigh In: 05/23/14

Starting Weight (5/9):  329.4 lbs
Ending Weight (5/16):   318.4 lbs

Weight Gone This Week: -11.0 lbs

(My highest weight was 355 in Jan 2013)
Total Weight Lost:  - 36.6 lbs

Friday, May 16, 2014

Weigh-In #7: May 16, 2014

This is my official weekly weigh-in blog post 
The last time I made one of these was on.....
....12/16/13... That was 5 months ago
I thought about starting over
but November/December
were a huge part of my overall journey
and even though I struggle with the shame
that came from gaining back the weight
I still don't want to pretend it never happened
because I learned so much that is going to stay with me
and help me through the rest of my journey...
SO, continuing from there
this is Weigh-In #7

However, one thing that will change
My starting weight will come from last week
NOT from December
I weighed myself last Friday (May 9) 

Weigh In: 05/16/14

Starting Weight (5/9):  336.6 lbs
Ending Weight (5/16):   329.4

Weight Gone This Week: -7.2lbs

(My highest weight was 355 in Jan 2013)
Total Weight Lost:  - 25.6 lbs

This week was great for me. 
I got back on track. 
I prepped for my Elimination Cleanse this week. 
I'm hoping for another great week 
as I head into my cleanse!


Thursday, May 15, 2014


Last post I made the announcement 
that I had a new local health coach
and I'm excited to share with you
a little about what I'm doing this week!

This week I'm focusing on:
#1 Setting Goals - Short Term/Long Term
#2 Rebooting my body by doing an Elimination Cleanse

The Elimination Cleanse basically means
that I will eliminate a bunch of different foods
that are common allergens to people
and eat very simply for a set amount of days
and then I'll slowly bring back different foods
to see how my body reacts to them.
This will give my body a great reboot 
as I eat simply and healthfully.
This will also allow me to find any
food that my body is intolerant to.
I have bad digestive issues and
often get sinus infections during the winter
as well as a slew of other things 
and I suspect a gluten and/or diary intolerance

For a food addict this is going to be tough
The "Avoid List" includes....
Most Beans
Preservatives/Processed Food
and a few other things I can't think of right now
But you get my drift. It's a lot. 

To give a sample of what my next week will look at
Here are just a few items on my meal plan 

Berries, Banana, Spinach, Coconut Milk, Chia Seeds etc.

German Lentil Soup (Vegetarian)
Simple Turkey Taco Salad w/
Lettuce, Organic ground turkey, Fresh Salsa, Guacamole

Chicken Fajita Salad w/
Lettuce, Organic Chicken Breast Chunks, Grilled Onions/Pepper, Guacamole 
Organic Low Sugar/Gluten-Dairy Free Fajita Seasoning 
Lemon Rosemary Chicken w/ Balsamic Brussels Sprouts or Steamed Artichokes
and a Sweet Potato 

Raw Veggies w/ Guacamole
Organic Lunch Meat
Pure Coconut Water
Pumpkin/Sunflower Seeds

Right now I've been in pre-detox mode for the last four days
preparing for the 7 day detox
that will start tomorrow (Friday May 16)

So why tell you this?
Because right now I have 338 Accountability Partners on LPI
As I'm going through this I will have lots of raw emotions
that I will want to get out
and I need your help to cheer me on and keep my motivated!
Let's do this! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I'm a Fighter

Hey Ya'all! 
So something has been brewing in the background here at LPI 
As I've told you before, this year has been hard...
like, REALLY hard
I've gained back a lot of the weight I lost in Nov/Dec
At the end of the 2013 I was 311
Yesterday I weighed in at 336... ouch!
I've really felt a lot of shame
and as many times as I've tried to come out of hiding
My food addiction has gotten the best of me
and I've just kept going back to the dark hole
But my page is Living Perfectly Imperfect
I didn't name it that because I'm perfect at living imperfectly
I named it that because that's what how I'm striving to live
I want to be okay with all my imperfections
I want to not be my worst critic
But, I'm not perfect and its a daily struggle to be okay with my imperfections
It's not as if I feel like someday I will be perfect
But I know someday, with a lot of practice and support
I can learn to love myself, imperfections and all, 
and to truly understand that life is a journey
and its not all-or-nothing! Baby steps count! 

I do have to say....
I am proud of myself because 
even in the midst of my darkness...
I was still fighting to come out of the darkness
One thing I DO know about myself...
I'm a Fighter! (Que Christina Aguilera....) 
I will keep fighting for what I want
because I know the only way to truly ever fail 
is to give up
so I refuse to give up!
 I refuse to be a "failure"....

So I did a lot of soul searching
Trying to figure out what I needed the most
and that was someone who could teach me how to live this way
I wanted to find someone that could teach me more about nutrition
Someone who could be my accountability partner on a regular basis
Someone I could count on to always be there for me

I found that person in Caroline Devin!
Caroline is my new nutritionist/health coach/
support system/accountability partner/therapist etc. etc. 
She is my very own transformation specialist!
She owns Serenity of Body and Mind
If you are local to Oregon, check her out...
If your not local to Oregon... check her out anyways...
She has some great information on her blog posts

She is going to help me through my entire journey
I will be sharing what I'm working on with her
I will be using my blog as my own personal journal
I hope that I can stay present, even through the bad time
So that hopefully my struggles can help others

Don't worry, I still have Jacqui backing me up
But, for those of you who are living under a rock
and don't know...
Jacqui has a miracle baby growing in her tummy
Plus she lives on the other side of the country
You can never have enough people helping you along your journey
I'm lucky enough to have gotten so much good information from Jacqui
and I continue to learn from her and keep in touch
Caroline is just another great person that I have in my corner

Thanks for sticking with me friends!

Monday, March 24, 2014

I've Canceled My Membership to the Diet-of-the-Month Club

I used to belong to the "diet-of-the-month" club
I was a member for over 16 years
There are times that I've let my membership expire...
... only to renew it again, and again, and again
BUT, and this is a really big, gigantic, humongous BUT
I'm determined to never allow myself to join that silly club again

How many of you belong to this club?
The one that flip flops us from diet to diet
This year alone I've been....
Low Carb
How does that even work?!?! 
Well, it didn't. I went insane and messed up my body

All of these diets promise results
Of course, anyone can see results on any of the diets
People can be perfectly healthy on any of these diets
But there are only the select few who can LIVE that way
I couldn't live with any of those 100%
... and if we can't live a life eating the way we are eating now
what makes us think we can be successful long term?
For some reason....
every time... 
every single time... 
 a new "issue" of the diet-of-the-month club came out
I was excited
FINALLY something I could do
But it always failed me, always

I'm ready to start a revolution....
okay, that was a little dramatic...
but seriously! Who is with me?
Let's all STOP
Let's all LIVE! 

This past week I've focused on getting myself back into the groove
Sure, weight doesn't fall of as quickly
But I lost 1lb this week. 
I'm starting off small
I'm focusing on counting my calories
Eating reasonable portions
But if I wanted a treat, I had it, as long as it fit within my calories
I'm not watching my fat
I'm not watching my sugar, fiber, protein or anything
These are all important and I will get there

But... I'm addicted to food
and I've tried the cold turkey approach
It just leads to a binges for me

This week I'm going to focus on getting active
I'm not ready to put my Fit Bit on (for all my Fit Bit friends)
But I am going to start walking
I'm going to get myself out there

I think its important to eat clean and be healthy
But I just can't do it all at once if I want it to be a way of life for me
Slow and steady wins the race 
Its a hard concept for me to swallow.... it really is....
and I will get to the point where I can be more strict with myself
But its going to be MY rules
I will no longer follow someone elses rules about "diets"
I've read enough of them to take bits and pieces 
to design a program that works for me

After all.........
I've never been very good at following rules
and that's why I've canceled my membership
to the diet-of-the-month club
Who is with me?!?!