Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New Me

Well, here we are again...
the start of a new year! 
Can you believe its 2015?
Last year when I thought of this moment...
I thought it would turn out a little different. 
I thought I'd be starting this year at least 100 lbs down
half way through to my goal of losing 200 lbs
but instead I'm starting right back where I started
yet another year of ups and downs
I'm having mixed emotions about where I am

Let me introduce you to emotion #1
This is the girl that is mad
oh Ashley, how did you do this again?
How did you get here?
How many times can you seriously make the same mistakes?
Aren't you embarrassed?
Who am I kidding, of course you are embarrassed. 
Why do you even bother to blog about it
I have no idea why people even stay interested in you
its the same thing over and over again
Aren't you tired of working hard 
and then gaining it all back?
Aren't you sick of letting food win? 
Addiction - WINNING
Do you just like it?
The emotional roller coaster?
The drama of it all?
The pain?
Do you not know how to live without the pain?
Don't you know you deserve better?
Don't you know that there is something better out there?

Now, let me introduce you to emotion #2
This is the girl that is glad...
glad that I keep getting up and dusting myself off
glad that I'm trying for the 35,956 time
glad that the embarrassment doesn't hold me back
glad that failure isn't an option
and it only becomes an option when I quit 
and so if I keep getting up
I know I never fail
and I know I can do this
and even after I have given myself plenty of reasons
to doubt that success is ever possible
I still get up
I still keep fighting
That even though there are sometimes
when I really loathe my choices
that I still love myself enough to not give up

So here I am again. 
Laugh if you want. 
Cheer if you want. 
Cry if you want. 
I am doing all the above. 
I am back. 
This time will be different
I have to believe that
and I hope you do, too
I love that you stand by me
Even though you may have been disappointed in the past
you may at one point even forgot you were on this journey with me
thank you for being back here with me
thank you for sticking with me
thank you for loving me when sometimes I couldn't love myself

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes for a wonderful New Year! This is your journey. The only person you need to please is yourself. My son's journey was to lose 100 pounds. He became successful when he kept this promise to himself and stopped trying to please everyone else. I follow quite a few blogs and had wondered about you. I have come to realize that everyone loses differently. It is life changing when you find what works. It is about balance and not deprivation. Best Regards for 2015...Suzanne from Tucson, AZ
