Friday, November 1, 2013

Ready.... Set.... Go!

Hey Everyone! :) Thanks so much for stopping by! First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Ashley. I'm 27 years old. I live in the beautiful state of Oregon. I've been married for 8 years to my wonderful husband, Royce. We have a five year old son named Grant who came into our life almost two years ago via adoption. We also have a five year old fur baby, our Chihuahua Zoey. 

I'm absolutely thrilled to begin this journey and so honored to be able to have Jacqui by my side. I've already learned so much from her and know that I will learn so much more. My journey will be physical, my body will have to work, but this journey will be more mind & spiritual than anything. I'm going to mess up. I'm not going to be perfect. But perfection is boring! So come follow me as I fall down and get back up. We can learn from each other and cheer each other on! Whatever battle you are fighting, whatever it is that you want to release from your life, lets do it together! Let's unapologetically celebrate who we are TODAY, flaws and all, and live life perfectly imperfect!

Come back this coming week when I will let you know my starting weight, see my before photos, let you know a little bit about my weight release journey thus far and what my goals are for the rest of 2013. :)


  1. I am on this journey with the last year I have lost 43 pounds...I still have 98 to go. Everyday is a challenge in its own way..from not taking an extra few bites here and there to completing my exercise...but each day is also way better than the days I spent not exercising and eating junk...and worrying about my health. I find inspiration in others who are also on this path...I wish you the best as you begin your journey.

    1. Thank you, Beth! It is so great to be able to go on this journey with others who have the same struggles!

  2. i just started my journey to about 2 months ago and am documenting it check it out if you like
