There are a million WHY's that drive me: To walk up a flight of stairs and not be winded, to ride on an airplane and not have to use a seat belt extender, to go to a theme park and be able to ride all the rides, to walk into any store and know they have my size, to wear my wedding ring again after 7 years etc.
BUT, I have a WHY that brings up emotions deep inside me that lights my fire and drives me and that is to grow my family. I have PCOS and have been unable to get pregnant due to me being overweight. I struggled with infertility for 6 years before we adopted Grant. Grant is my sunshine and my husband and I were so incredibly lucky to have him placed in our lives. The exact story will come at a later date but for now I will just say that we are so grateful for adoption and love him so much and I wouldn't change the way my life has played out for a second. I want to grow my family and nothing would make me happier then to experience pregnancy and child birth. Grant has been asking for a baby sister for almost a year now. Lately he has started demanding a baby brother as well :). I want to get my body healthy so that I can fulfill his dream to be a big brother.

This is my WHY and it drives me everyday. I wake up with a purpose. I wake up knowing what I'm fighting for. Whatever you are fighting for in your life, wherever you are headed, know your WHY because it is POWERFUL.
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