I had a blast this week! I had back-to-back-to-back Christmas parties and spent a lot of good times with family and friends. I also ate some really delicious food! Because of this, the scale didn't budge much- and you know what? That's okay! So many times in my life have I gained 10-20 lbs by now, indulging in everything in anticipation of the new year when I would "start." I've really be conscious when eating and not letting my all-or-nothing mentality take over. In a perfect world, I wish I would have made it through the week with a loss but I'm not perfect and I honestly wouldn't change much from this week because it was mentally satisfying. I'm still working towards my goal of 299, and I know it most likely happen in the time frame I wanted it but this is my lifestyle now. As long as I keep going I'll get to where I want to go. Here is to another week!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Elf on the Shelf Days 6-10
Frankie has been up to no good!
After all the stuffed animals decided it would be funny to wear Grant's underwear
They then decided it would be funny to hang the underwear from the fan
Frankie and Ron Jon even decided to "hang out"

I think Frankie was tired from partying with the stuffed party animals
So he just decided to chill out high
where he could keep an eye out on Grant...
and watch some TV!
The next day buddy brought Grant some sugar cereal
I think Frankie knew that I hardly ever let Grant have sugar cereal
and he knows I'm a sucker for anything that is Christmas themed
So he got away with it....
and Grant loved it!
Unfortunately, I got video of Grant's reaction but no picture
I can tell you for sure that he was mucho excited
and ate a very big bowl of sugar..err.. I mean cereal that morning...
so you can imagine what the rest of the day was like.
Let's just say I remembered why I never let him have it.....
but I'll forgive Frankie!
The next day Frankie was back at it with some of his buddies
Playing Candy Land
by the Christmas tree
with Mini Mickey Mouse
and Jingle Bell Santa
and Merlin (the Elf that Grant can touch)
Get it...
Frankie & Merlin
Frankincense & Myrrh
...oh and I got word from Santa
that when we have a baby girl join our family in the future
that she will be assigned an elf by the name of Goldie
Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold
Last night Frankie decided to go swinging on the lights
We all got a good laugh
Stay tuned to see what our silly elf comes up with in the next five days
Weigh In #5: December 9, 2013
Weigh In: 12/09/13
Starting Weight: 313.8 lbs
Ending Weight: 311.4 lbs
Weight Gone This Week: -2.4
Total Weight Lost: - 43.6 lbs
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Accountability Partner
Yesterday morning I got on the scale
I had the same reaction I had every morning since Thanksgiving
After a week of good eating I was still the same exact weight
It was frustrating.
To top it off, it was the day of my first Christmas party.
This was a party that was catered by Famous Dave's BBQ
My absolute most favorite restaurant.. and I could get it for free!
I had planned to splurge.
I had planned for this to be the day I allowed myself to cheat.
But, did I want to spend another week getting back down
to the same weight I was right then? ugh!
I had a lot of anxiety about it.
I had a call with Jacqui and I tell her about my fears
She suggests a solid plan and I agreed to do it
Get meat only, over salad, skip the calorie rich sides
...like Jalapeno Mac and Cheese (yummmy!)
And either skip the dessert bar
bring my own dessert that I know I can eat.
She is keeping me accountable
I was to take a picture of my plate and text her
It's not about feeling deprived, but about feeling empowered she says.
I trust her.
I trust her with all my heart.
I get off the phone with her.
I sit in a chair.
I whine to my husband. A lot.
I was seriously having anxiety over the whole situation.
The dinner finally arrives.
I get in line for food.
I pass up the Mac and Cheese.
That felt good!
I pass up the Mashed Potatoes.
That felt awesome!
I get the meat, two kinds of meat...
I get my salad
There is corn bread.
We didn't talk about corn bread.
I love their corn bread.
What should I do.
I grab a half a piece.
I take my photo.
I send it to her.
I eat.
I get full.
I'm satisfied.
The corn bread was like my dessert.
I enjoy the people instead of thinking of the food.
I was so happy with myself.
I leave the party.
I go home.
I am so incredibly happy with myself.
This is typically the time that I'm loathing myself for making bad choices.
This is typically the time I'm full of regrets.
But instead I was proud of myself.
So proud that I said it out loud.
The first thing I learned:
Food comes and goes.
What I put in my mouth is a moment in time.
I won't always remember the taste of the food
but I will remember how I felt about myself
Sometimes its hard to say no
But the satisfaction, the empowerment, the feeling you have about yourself
When you choose yourself over food or whatever it is you're battling
It is so worth that moment.
Bad decision led me to 355lbs
Bad decision led me to self hatred
I'm not perfect now
But gosh darn it I'm proud of myself.
The second thing I learned:
Having an accountability partner is priceless
If I didn't have someone
that believed in my potential
who cared enough to prepare a plan for me
I may have slipped.
There was temptation everywhere, but on the other end of my phone
was someone who believed in my potential and I didn't want to let her down
As the night went on, and I began to feel empowered by my decision,
I didn't want to let myself down
So remember as you are going to holiday parties to have a plan
and find someone to be your accountability partner!
Trust me
You will feel empowered!
The result of my good choices
Showed on the scale
Come back on Monday to see!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Christmas Tradition: Elf on the Shelf Days 1-5
Our family has an Elf.
His name is Frankincense.
We call him Frankie.
He shows up the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
He always throws a North Pole Breakfast.
It is full of lots of sugar.
Frankie brought a bucket of Christmas Cheer...
Complete with Christmas jammies, socks, shirts, snowman earrs....
Christmas pencils, paper, straws and a stuffed Mickey Mouse!
Frankie always knows how to get us in the Christmas spirit!
The next day, December 1st, Franke brought an Advent Calander.
It helps Grant count down to Christmas.
Plus he gets a little Lego everyday!
The next day Frankie got into Daddy's Lego's...
looks like they were having a race by the Christmas tree!
On the fourth day of Christmas...
Frankie was just hanging out...
on the treadmill!
Guess he was reminding us all to make sure and get our steps in!
He is soooo goofy!
This morning we found Frankie hanging out with...
Mickey Mouse, Elmer, Snoopy. Ron Jon, Yellow Mellow and Blueberry
and they were all wearing Gran'ts underwear!
We sure all got a good laugh!
That Silly Elf!
What will that silly elf do next?
Holiday! Celebrate!
Holiday parties & dinners are in full swing.
I have at least 12 of them in the next four weeks!
If I allowed myself to splurge at every single one...
I would never reach my goal!
I know that if I don't make a plan for myself
that I just end up giving in to temptation!
I'll be having a good time...
with my friends...
a treat or two will sound innocent enough....
and then before you know it...
I'll have eaten 3000 calories!
It is CRITICAL for me to have a plan....
like my mom always said -
"Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail"
I put together a calendar
It lists all of my parties
I've chosen one a week that I'm allowed to splurge
the rest of them.....
if it is a dinner at a restaurant..
I've already decided what I'm having!
if it is a party
I've already decided what I'm bringing!
I've planned my days around it
so that my calorie count is spot on
I know exactly what I'm going to doing!
This is how I'm staying accountable to myself
Like I said,
If I didn't have this plan
I would have allowed myself too many days
and I wouldn't reach my goal
My goal is to be 299 on January 1st
If I do everything I can and still don't hit my goal...
I will be happy knowing that I put the work in
but my body just needs more time!
But if I just let it go and that day comes
I will be disappointed in myself.
What are YOU doing to make sure the Holidays don't get the best of you?
If you have any good ideas for me, feel free to share!
Thanks for your loving support!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Weigh In #4: December 2, 2013
Weigh In: 12/02/13
Starting Weight: 315.8 lbs
Ending Weight: 313.8 lbs
Weight Gone This Week: -2 lbs
Total Weight Lost: -41.2 lbs
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