Holiday parties & dinners are in full swing.
I have at least 12 of them in the next four weeks!
If I allowed myself to splurge at every single one...
I would never reach my goal!
I know that if I don't make a plan for myself
that I just end up giving in to temptation!
I'll be having a good time...
with my friends...
a treat or two will sound innocent enough....
and then before you know it...
I'll have eaten 3000 calories!
It is CRITICAL for me to have a plan....
like my mom always said -
"Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail"
I put together a calendar
It lists all of my parties
I've chosen one a week that I'm allowed to splurge
the rest of them.....
if it is a dinner at a restaurant..
I've already decided what I'm having!
if it is a party
I've already decided what I'm bringing!
I've planned my days around it
so that my calorie count is spot on
I know exactly what I'm going to doing!
This is how I'm staying accountable to myself
Like I said,
If I didn't have this plan
I would have allowed myself too many days
and I wouldn't reach my goal
My goal is to be 299 on January 1st
If I do everything I can and still don't hit my goal...
I will be happy knowing that I put the work in
but my body just needs more time!
But if I just let it go and that day comes
I will be disappointed in myself.
What are YOU doing to make sure the Holidays don't get the best of you?
If you have any good ideas for me, feel free to share!
Thanks for your loving support!
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