Monday, December 9, 2013

Elf on the Shelf Days 6-10

Frankie has been up to no good!

After all the stuffed animals decided it would be funny to wear Grant's underwear
They then decided it would be funny to hang the underwear from the fan
Frankie and Ron Jon even decided to "hang out" 

I think Frankie was tired from partying with the stuffed party animals
So he just decided to chill out high
where he could keep an eye out on Grant...
and watch some TV!

The next day buddy brought Grant some sugar cereal
I think Frankie knew that I hardly ever let Grant have sugar cereal
and he knows I'm a sucker for anything that is Christmas themed
So he got away with it....
and Grant loved it!

Unfortunately, I got video of Grant's reaction but no picture
I can tell you for sure that he was mucho excited 
and ate a very big bowl of sugar..err.. I mean cereal that morning...
so you can imagine what the rest of the day was like. 
Let's just say I remembered why I never let him have it.....
but I'll forgive Frankie! 

The next day Frankie was back at it with some of his buddies
Playing Candy Land
by the Christmas tree 
with Mini Mickey Mouse
and Jingle Bell Santa
and Merlin (the Elf that Grant can touch)
Get it...
Frankie & Merlin
Frankincense & Myrrh

...oh and I got word from Santa
that when we have a baby girl join our family in the future
that she will be assigned an elf by the name of Goldie
Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold

Last night Frankie decided to go swinging on the lights
We all got a good laugh

Stay tuned to see what our silly elf comes up with in the next five days

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